Advocate Resources

Get inspired with Magic Post

The new Magic Post feature uses AI to create draft captions for social media posts. It's a great way to start a post about a product, providing inspiration and a jumping off point. You can even adjust for style or occasion.

Getting the most out of Audenticity on an iPhone

The Audenticity iPhone App makes it easy to browse products and manage favorites and collections

The ins and outs of Click Campaigns

Click campaigns are a great way to monetize traffic before a sale. Learn more about how these campaigns work.

Maximizing earnings on Etsy

How to maximize your earning potential using Etsy affiliate links

Making the most of your Instagram profile

Given a lack of link options in Instagram, it's important to be strategic. Here's our guide to make the most out of your profile.

Still have a question?

Have a question about Audenticity or how to use the platform? Check out the FAQs or reach out to our team. We'd be happy to assist!